Trauma Intervention Programs (TIP) of San Diego County, Inc. dispatches volunteers to provide emotional first aid to survivors of tragedy in order to ease their immediate suffering and facilitate their healing and long-term recovery.
As a non-profit organization, TIP is committed to ensure emotionally traumatized victims receive the assistance needed in emergency situations. TIP works closely with partnering agencies to provide a different dynamic to the emergency response system to meet the emotional needs of surviving victims.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Trauma Intervention Programs (TIP) of San Diego, Inc. TIP is looking for compassionate individuals who want to serve our community.
TIP volunteers are highly trained in Emotional First Aid and are passionate about helping others in their time of need. Click to learn more about upcoming trainings and requirements.
We have an extensive library for those who are grieving or may need additional resources for assistance through a traumatic event such as: